The hit YTV series about a teenage girl living with her three brothers and her dad is back and we are seeking teenage boys to audition for the new season!
If you match the following criteria.
- a boy (any ethnicity)
- between the ages of 12-18
- want to be on TV
- unrepresented by an agent (if you have an agent, please allow them to submit you)
- and are fun and enthusiastic
- please follow the instructions below:
To Submit (read instructions carefully and be sure to include everything):
- You must have parental consent
- Send a current photo where it is just you in the picture. We want to be able to clearly see your face and teeth.
- Send a resume. Even if you don’t have a lot of experience, list any sort of related activities (such as school plays, drama clubs, special skills, sports you’re good at, languages you speak, etc).
- On your resume you must include your height, age, parent/guardian names and contact info (phone & email)
Send Submissions to: by Saturday, September 15th, 2012.
Note: This show shoots in Toronto from September – December 2012. You must be able to work as a local – we are unable to fly people in for this show. If you get a role on the show, you will be paid at professional union rates.