As part of our ongoing fundraising efforts, we are organizing our 16th Annual Holiday Craft Fair and Silent Auction to be held on Saturday November 17th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at ESA. Once again, we are expecting hundreds of visitors and 100 vendors! This event raises thousands of dollars annually and the funds are used to support events and activities not supported by the TDSB (guest artists, productions, performances).
We would like to ask for your support with a donation to the Silent Auction. We welcome a wide variety of new items such as art, books, event tickets (performances/sports/concerts), gift baskets, gift certificates, home décor items, clothing, gift certificates and jewellery. If you can help with a donation from a favourite merchant, company or your place of work, we would really appreciate it!
Tax receipts can be provided for the fair market value of any gift worth $20.00 or more with the exception of gift certificates or services. Donations received by Nov. 2nd will be acknowledged publicly at the fair.
You can either complete the form online or download the donation form.
Thank you for supporting the Etobicoke School of the Arts.
Jan Lavelle (on behalf of SESAT)
[gravityform id=”13″ name=”Silent Auction Donation Form”]