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Grade 12 Drama Showcase: Insomnia (by Daniel Brooks & Guillermo Verdecchia ) and Kreskinned (by Michael Healey)

Kreskinned by Michael Healey

Kreskinned is a one-act comedy asking the important question, what if you could hypnotize your partner into forgetting every time you’ve done something wrong?

Directed by: William Egri
Cast: Michael Mac and Eleanor Zichy

Insomnia by Daniel Brooks and Guillermo Verdecchia

John is a man skeptical to the point of tyranny. So rigorously demanding of the world and himself that he has lost the power to sleep, he is driving himself and his wife to distraction.  “Insomnia” asks, do healthy skepticism and reasonable doubt turn into paranoia and paralysis?

Directed by: Lisa Saban
Cast: Mark Correia, Arielle Opler, Gen Madill and Liam Kinahan

Performance Date: Wednesday, May 8, 2012

Showtimes: 4pm & 7pm on the dates listed. Both plays listed play at 4pm and 7pm. A short intermission will occur between each play.

Location: The Mini-Theatre

Admission is free.