We have a full and interesting agenda including a report on the environmental safety and air quality at ESA and a presentation on the possibility of turning ESA into a semestered school. Please join us for what should prove to be a very engaging and informative evening. Arrive at 7 pm for an opportunity to meet and greet before the meeting formally begins at 7:30.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Sandra and Tanja
School council Co-Chairs
Welcome and Introductions – Chairs – Sandra Finkelman and Tanja Corovic
1. Review and Approval of Previous Minutes
2. Follow-up from last meeting:
2.1 Report on environmental safety inspection – guests: Chris Broadbent, Manager of Occupational Health and Safety; Laurence Jaye, Regional Manager, Operations Area B
2.2 Report on feedback from students re: commencement date – Katie Cohen
3. Reports
3.1 Student Council Representative
3.3 Staff Representative – guest: Laura Pong, ESA as a semestered school, pros and cons
3.4 Parent Involvement Committee
4. Report from the Principal – Rob MacKinnon
5. New Business Items
6. Agenda items for next meeting
7. Adjournment