Please send your suggestions for discussion items to We already have several items of interest including a special presentation on Pathways to Post-Secondary Success (see details below). We look forward to an engaging evening of updates and discussion. This is a wonderful forum to voice what matters to you as parents and to learn more about what’s going on at the school. Arrive at 7 pm for an opportunity to informally meet and greet before we formally begin our meeting at 7:30.
Special Presentation:
Tips, Tricks, and a Couple of Tears: Pathways to Post-Secondary Success — How to make effective post-secondary transitions for students and families
Drawing upon her work with the Transitional Year Program at the University of Toronto, Meredith Lordan shares a selection of practical tips for students and families as they make the transition from ESA to post-secondary studies. Applicable to college- and university-bound students, this presentation looks at time management, reading techniques, note-taking, and finding a bit of balance. Having joined the ESA community in 2013, Meredith also serves as the ACL of Canadian and World Studies.