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School Council Meeting – Feb. 4th, 7:30-9:00 pm; meet and greet 7:00-7:30, Library

Please join us for an engaging evening of updates and discussion including a special presentation on PATHWAYS TO POST-SECONDARY SUCCESS – HOW TO MAKE EFFECTIVE POST-SECONDARY TRANSITIONS FOR STUDENTS AND FAMILIES (see details below). Arrive at 7 pm for an opportunity to informally meet and greet before we formally begin our meeting at 7:30.


Special Presentation:

Tips, Tricks, and a Couple of Tears: Pathways to Post-Secondary Success — How to make effective post-secondary transitions for students and families

Drawing upon her work with the Transitional Year Program at the University of Toronto, Meredith Lordan shares a selection of practical tips for students and families as they make the transition from ESA to post-secondary studies. Applicable to college- and university-bound students, this presentation looks at time management, reading techniques, note-taking, and finding a bit of balance. Having joined the ESA community in 2013, Meredith also serves as the ACL of Canadian and World Studies.


Feb. 4, 2014  Agenda
Jan. 14, 2014 School Council Minutes (pending approval)
Please visit the School Council page on the website for info on past meetings and agendas


Sandra and Tanja
School Council Co-Chairs