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New Reads for the March Break

Need that perfect book to take away with you over March Break?

In case you’ve missed any of the new books on display, check out what’s new since the New Year at the ESA Library Pinterest site.  The offerings are already organised for ease of access on the following dedicated pages:

Perhaps you’re interested in something controversial?

The ESA Library is proud to be home to some of the books highlighted by our friends at the Thomas Fisher Rare Books Library at the U of T earlier this week as part of our Freedom to Read Week celebrations.  Peruse the titles at the Freedom to Read Week 2014 Pinterest page.

The ESA Library is also home to many other Frequently Challenged Books, including some of our most beloved classic Canadian Lit.  Check the catalogue at the Virtual Library (you must enter via Academic Workspace), or peruse the shelves, and take home a copy.