Hopefully, you have received the info / catalogue for our Fall Fundraiser with QSP!
The best way for your son/daughter to raise funds is to REGISTER at qsp.ca and then they can email their contacts, create a campaign video to upload, and spread the word on social media.
Orders are due at the end of the month, and we encourage ONLINE sales/orders for quickest delivery method and for processing ease at school.
Music Theatre is raising money for our new sound system in the dance studio, new costumes, Auditorium equipment, and guest artist fees. Please help our students sell as many orders as they possibly can. There are cash prize incentives for the students as well as a Pizza party for the top selling class. You can help by sending the link your son/daughter sends via email to your address book, take the brochure into your office, or doctor’s/lawyers offices, send to extended family, etc. Please make sure to check out the great new photo book products this year. Lots to choose from!
We hope you enjoyed the summer!
Our new online ID number is:
this access code will send you directly to our Music Theatre campaign and the funds will be allocated correctly to our department
Thanks for your continued support, and remember to keep the pink copy of your orders which has the 1-800 number for any issues or concerns.
If sending in hard copy sales – please make all cheques payable to ESA MUSIC THEATRE