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Student Vote: Our Results

It’s 8pm and the polls are closed.  The moment has arrived.  We are now able to announce the results of our ESA Student Vote 2014.
For Mayor:
  • Olivia Chow – Votes 100
  • John Tory – Votes: 67
  • Doug Ford – Votes: 39
For Ward 5 Councillor:
  • Guy Bowie- Votes 103
  • Tony del Grande – Votes: 48
  • Shane Bennett – Votes: 38
For Public School Trustee:
  • Pam Gough – Votes 71
  • Justin di Ciano – Votes: 26
  • Kinga Surma – Votes: 25


In all, approximately 127,000 students cast ballots from 1,146 schools in over 200 municipalities.


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