Our ESA Silent Auction, our largest fundraiser of the year, is just one month away! We are asking all ESA families to contribute one item or service to this event.
This can be something you have purchased, a gift certificate, a new re-gifted item, a service you can provide or a donation from a local business that you visit. All donations over $20 are tax deductible. Items can be dropped off in the office until November 11.
Businesses that make a donation can have business cards on display and will be thanked on our website and on a reel playing on the day of the event, attended by more than 1,000 patrons. Please come and participate!
Thank you for supporting this event and our students. Click here for the Prospective Donor letter, and click here for the Donor Form 2014.
If you have any questions, please contact us at sesatinfo@gmail.com