We will gladly accept all Silent Auction donations until Friday, November 21, but we can only guarantee they will be recognized on our website and on our thank you reel, which plays the day of the event, if they are received in the ESA office by 4:00 p.m., next Friday, November 14.
We welcome a wide variety of new items such as art, books,,event tickets, gift baskets, gift certificates, hand-crafted items, home decor, tools, clothing, vacations, jewelry. We’re open to new and creative ideas as well (last year, we even had orthodontic services up for auction!).
So please make a few more calls, stop by your local businesses and follow up with those who were undecided. Please ask them to support the arts and artists of ESA with a donation. We will promote them and their businesses in exchange. Tax receipts may be provided for the fair market value of any gift worth $20 or more, with the exception of services or gift certificates.
With your support, we are confident that the Silent Auction and Craft Fair will once again be our largest fundraiser. We are grateful to raise thousands of dollars each year to pay for equipment, supplies, scholarships and visiting artists to supplement our arts majors.
As always, we thank you for your support! Donation forms are on this website or in the office. If you have any questions, please contact sesat@esainfo.ca
See you November 22.