A number of students have been having difficulty connecting to the TDSB WiFi with their personal devices.
This notice has just been released by IT Services:
We are currently experiencing problems with personal mobile devices (BYOD – Bring Your Own Device) connecting to TDSB wireless networks. Here are the known issues and workarounds:
BYOD Windows: If Chrome is set as the default browser, please close Chrome. Then launch Internet Explorer, connect to Wi-Fi, and then the Wi-Fi portal is displayed.
BYOD Mac OSX: If Chrome is set as the default browser, please close Chrome. Then launch Safari, connect to Wi-Fi, and then the Wi-Fi portal is displayed.
BYOD Chromebook: Unable to authenticate to the wireless network. Currently, there are no workarounds. Note: There are no connectivity issues with TDSB-owned Chromebooks.
IT Services has requested the assistance of the network vendor to resolve these issues and further updates will be posted to Service IT.