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Teens, drugs, alcohol and you – a guide for parents. Nov. 25, 2015 – 7pm, Library

Save the date! Learn more about youth substance abuse and its effects. Learn answers to questions every parent needs to know.

Substance use has become a common fact of teen life. As a parent, make sure you and your teen understand the impact on their minds, bodies, and still developing brains. Gayla Forer of Breakaway Addiction Services in Toronto will lead a presentation in the ESA library on Nov. 25 from 7-9 p.m. focusing on youth substance abuse and its effects. She will also discuss parenting issues and communicating with your teen about this very important topic.

Breakaway presentations have been very well received by ESA parents in the past. Be sure to mark your calendar to attend this informative and invaluable presentation. If you have any questions please contact us at