It isn’t just the balmy weather making it hard to believe that another calendar year is coming to an end and the academic year is almost at its halfway mark, IT IS that time flies when you are working with such wonderful people. We would like to extend a huge thank you to all the parents and guardians for your ongoing support of the SESAT (Supporters of ESA Talent) mission throughout the year thus far.
Fundraising Initiatives: To update you all on our fundraising initiatives over the past few months (since September); we have raised a total of $25,000.00 – distributing $2,000.00 to each major to date; we have sold concessions at 6 events over multiple nights and recently enjoyed our flagship Silent Auction & Craft Fair event which took place on November 21st;; the total number of volunteer hours dedicated towards these events is at 1000 hours or an average of 70 hours/week; we increased our volunteer roster by 24 more fantastic individuals.
Built Bridges In-House and Welcomed Community Partnerships: We have also created a successful collaboration between the school and student councils which have brought greater strength to each and therefore stronger bridges built within our ESA family. We have recently gained new community partners including Starbucks Coffee, Sweet Samosa Factory and TinNel’s Patties. Their donations have helped to keep our costs down.
New focus for 2016: Our new focus for 2016 will be to identify more community partnerships as well as corporate sponsors, grant opportunities and of course to add more volunteers to our current roster. If you would like to give a little or a lot of your time (whatever you can) to help out at an event or by taking on a behind-the-scenes task, a little or a lot goes a long way to help support these wonderful and talented young ladies and young men. If you would like to know how you can help, please email us at
Without your ongoing support we would not be able to accomplish what we set out to do each year so again thank you and we wish you all a safe and happy Holiday Season and all the best this New Year 2016!
From all your friends of SESAT!