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Free Books!!

Ever wonder what Librarians read when they were young?  Well, find out on Wednesday morning!

A great selection of vintage, gently used and much loved, McLelland and Stewart New Canadian Library books – among others – will be put out in the Foyer at 8:30am on Wednesday February 3rd.

Free for the taking. First come, first served (except Mr. MacKinnon has already had a pick through the books!!).

Ms. Wray got rid of most of her books when she downsized her house a few years ago…  except for these most precious of her books that were the testament to her youth as a reader.

The time has come.

If you’re interested in what Ms. Wray has been reading lately…  check out her GoodReads page…  and stay tuned!  The ESA Library is about to launch a new Book Blog.