Exit, Pursued by a Bear by EK Johnston
- A smart, entertaining – yes, I said entertaining – update on Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale.
- Entertaining because it is so empowering… because it addresses the issues head on, taking us through Hermione’s journey after being roofied and raped.
- Johnston holds no punches – she is not afraid to wade into territory which could have her book easily challenged and banned in many locales.
- Her characters – young and adult – are well rounded and believable… especially the team of young people – the young women in particular, her best friend Polly most notably – who support her through the aftermath.
- This is a book which will hopefully bring much conversation, and shed welcome new light on how we deal with victims of rape.
Read the review at Quill and Quire.
- Check out Forest Fridays, virtual visits with featured authors. We will be hosting a couple of them here at ESA.
- Students who would like to join us at the Festival of Trees, at Harbourfront, on Tuesday May 16th should see Ms. Wray in the Library.
- Permission forms will be available closer to the date.