We have a very busy week coming in the Library. Access to the Library will be restricted to participating students during the following times:
- Monday April 24th, Period 4: Local Etobicoke Lakeshore MP James Maloney (part of the RepDay programme run by Civix, the same people that bring us Student Vote) will be in to talk to Gr 10 Civics students about how government works.
- Tuesday April 25th, Periods 5&6: We welcome author, cartoonist, broadcaster (and more!) Kevin Sylvester in for the morning to work with Grade 9 and 10 English classes.
- Wednesday April 26th, Periods 1&2: We welcome Canadian Poet Moez Surani. In addition to working with students taking Writer’s Craft, Moez will be working with students in WORD and the Jewish Culture Club to help create an artistic/performance piece in response to the graffiti incident last month.
- Thursday April 27th, before school and Period 5: All graduating Grade 12’s are invited to join us in the Library – doors open at 8:15am – for the annual Grad Breakfast. Students who have not already completed the TDSB Grade Exit Survey or voted for Valedictorian will be able to do so at the breakfast.
- Friday April 28th, Periods 3&4: We welcome local poet, artist and educator Andrea Thompson for a Spoken Word workshop with students from all grades… our ‘Grand Finale’ to our National Poetry Month events and activities.
Friday April 28th is also Final Friday Fun Day… this month we have some extra special programming coming our way courtesy of PoW.
- Details to follow on Thursday…
- Reminder – in advance – that the Library will be tech free for the lunch hour.