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Special Speaker’s Event on Monday October 23rd at 7 pm in the ESA Library

Researchers Ruben Gaztambide-Fernandez and Gillian Parekh are coming to ESA on Monday October 23rd to have a dialogue with interested parents about their academic study on the demographic make up of the student population at arts schools in Toronto that was published last spring. It’s an opportunity for parents to ask the researchers questions about their study and it’s implications. The discussion will begin at 7 pm in the ESA Library.

Here is some background about the researchers:

Ruben Gaztambide-Fernandez is an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. His current research focuses on the experiences of young artists attending specialized arts high schools in cities across Canada and the United States. He teaches graduate courses in the arts in education.

Gillian Parekh is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at York University. As a former special education teacher and research coordinator with the Toronto District School Board, Gillian’s research interests include critical disability studies, critical analysis of special and inclusive education and structural barriers to education.

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