As we head into exams later this week… don’t forget to drop by the Library to pick up a good book to keep on hand for de-stressing.
- Research has shown that ‘losing yourself in a book is the ultimate relaxation‘… and that as little as six (6) minutes with a good book can reduce your stress levels more than any other single activity – more even than listening to music, having a cup of tea or taking a walk.
- Lots of great titles on offer for all readers.
And stop worrying about those overdue books you have.
- ‘Bring it back’ this week prior to exams… and choose a new title to get reading.
- Not sure the status of the books you have out?
- Check your TDSB student e-mail for your weekly automatic overdue notification reminder… or… LOGIN to your library account via the online catalogue at the ESA Virtual Library.