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Calling All Gardeners! Summer Maintenance Volunteers WANTED…

Do you like to garden?  Do you have a few hours, once or twice a week during the summer, to do a light weeding and water the ESA gardens?

  • Volunteers – staff, students, parents, friends – are needed to mind our garden for one week each during the summer.
  • This typically means watering once or twice, subject to weather conditions.
  • You do need to be able to get to the school between 7am and 2:00pm…  the task takes approx. 2 hours.

Environment Canada’s 3 month summer forecasts suggests that this summer will be pretty typical of 30 year historical averages… near normal temperatures with some extended periods of heat mid-summer and perhaps a little more rainfall that usual, but not more rainy days than normal.  Notwithstanding this, every summer brings its share of hot and dry weather.  This means the gardens, despite being almost exclusively native plant materials, really could use some TLC throughout the summer months.

  • If we get a good rain the week you’re on, it’s typically a free pass.
  • If it’s a scorcher that week, a second day of minding is greatly appreciated.

Community service hours are available for students who participate in summer maintenance.

Send en e-mail to indicating which week(s) you would be available to assist.  We’re building the schedule now…

Many thanks in advance.