Some of the Grade 12’s have recently been down to the Library for a “refresher course” on Academic Honesty. During these sessions they had the opportunity to look at, and to discuss, the Tribunal Decisions from the UofT for the Winter Term 2012.
It makes for interesting reading, and reinforces the need for everyone to take their responsibilities vis-a-vis academic honesty with great seriousness.
All members of the ESA Community are reminded of the school policy on Academic Honesty. A copy of our school plan, including the full policy may be found online here. This document also includes the Academic Honesty brochures for both Students and Parents, and Teachers.
All Grade 9 students will be down to the Library for sessions on Academic Honesty over the course of the next two weeks. Any other students who need assistance with these issues are welcome to come by the Library anytime for assistance.