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Chemistry Competition

The ESA Science Department is delighted to announce the outstanding results of our Grade 12 Chemistry students on the University of Waterloo’s Chem13 News Exam Competition.

The 46th annual Chem 13 News Exam, sponsored by the University of Waterloo was written by over two thousand students from across Canada and Internationally on Thursday, May 12, 2016. Every year, this exam contains several questions which challenge the bright chemistry student who has done and read more than others; it requires the use of facts, principles and reasoning levels well above the ordinary.

Congratulations to Luke Kuo who ranked in the top 10%, and to Jessye Coleman, Ian Hogeboom-Burr, and Caroline Biel, who ranked in the top 20% of participants. The results may be considered particularly impressive for ESA, since our students, with everything else ESA has to offer and all of the “extra commitments”, have relatively little time to spend on such “competition-type-questions”.