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City of Toronto: Student Connect 2014!

ESA is pleased to be partnered with the City of Toronto for their Student Connect 2014! programme.

There are still a few positions remaining available for ESA students.  If you have already picked up an application form, be sure to bring it in to the Library.  If you would like an application form, drop by the Library and pick one up.


Municipal election Day is Monday October 27th.  Student Connect 2014! provides students with the opportunity to participate in this year’s Municipal Elections as voting place staff.  Become educated and engaged in the electoral process.

We have a limited number of positions available for students from ESA as:

  • Tabulator Officers
  • Information Officers
  • Accessibility Officers

All of these positions are available in locations within relatively close proximity to ESA.  Each of these positions requires your attendance at a one-hour (approx.) training session…  date, time and location to be announced at a later date.

In order to be hired to work on election day, you must complete the application process, through the Library at ESA, by no later than Monday September 22nd.

To be eligible you must:

  • be at least 16 years of age on Election Day
  • be in good standing here at ESA
  • be approved by the school for participation in the programme
  • provide parental consent, if you are under the age of 18

Applications may be picked up from the Library.  Assignment to the available positions will be done on a first come first served basis.