2013-2014 Competitions
It has become an annual event, and a part of the Visual Art curriculum at ESA, to participate in applying to three specific competitions every year.
We take great pride in our success in all three, each of which provides multiple positive experiences for our students. Exhibiting in New York, or in an American Museum, or in one of the most significant privately owned museums of contemporary art in the world are all dreams of artists, and here at ESA we do it every year.
I have listed the web links for the three competitions below, all of which are now accepting entries. As we do not know exactly what the judges are seeking, it is advisable to enter as many things as you can between now and the closing deadline.
Albright Knox Gallery – closing deadline February 13, 2014:
Saatchi Gallery – closing deadline January 14, 2014 – contact me for username and password:
The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards – closing deadline January 4, 2014:
Another amazing opportunity is the option to participate in our first ever Art Talks event December 16th at ESA:
We have a list posted in room 102 to sign up for the event. More information if you email: esavisualartscouncil@hotmail.com
Any questions or ideas just let us know, let’s start planning and make this as awesome as it can be!!!
Thank you!
Matthew Varey