As we head into ‘the height of the season’ for Culminating Activities which constitute a considerable portion of marks in many courses, I want you to be aware that the Library provides ample opportunities for successful outcomes for our students. Both print & multimedia resources reflect the content of the Ontario academic curricula and the specialized Arts curricula at ESA.
Three online items which are invaluable in terms of research and academic honesty are:
- the TDSB document “Research Success@Your Library”;
- the TDSB Virtual Library; and,
- Our Online Resources (which includes access to Image Quest and Britannica School Edition).
Each of these items is password protected and students have been given special bookmarks with the URL. Usernames and passwords are required for wifi or home access.

Mr. Downey is available before school, at lunchtime, after school and during classroom periods to assist your son or daughter in the selection of appropriate materials and can be contacted as indicated below.
Library Contact Information:
T: 416 394 6910 x20020
Web note: this posting is a summary of a presentation to School Council by Mr. Downey in February.