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Festival of Trees: Student Volunteers Wanted

The ESA Library has purchased 12 tickets for this year’s White Pine festivities at the annual Festival of Trees Author’s Festival.  We will be attending on Wednesday May 14th

The Festival of Trees™ Awards ceremonies includes sign carriers and student presenters for each of the authors/illustrators.  Applications are now available for students to volunteer to be part of this exciting event.

The person applying to present should be charismatic and outgoing and be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd.  Their presentation will be a maximum of one minute.  The presenters’ role is to introduce the author/illustrator and tell everyone a little about this person (not the plot of the book).

The role of sign carrier is better for a more reserved person as this role does not involve any speaking… but you will be on stage with all of the author’s during the presentations.

The deadline for applications is April 12th.  If you are interested in applying to be one of these student volunteers, please either drop into the Library to talk to Ms. Wray or send an e-mail to   I will then send you the link to the online application form.

All presenters must submit their presentation via email at least one week before the Festival.


P.S.  If you have not already joined our White Pine group it’s not too late.  Drop by the Library and talk to Ms. Wray.