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Forum for Young Canadians: Spend a week on Parliament Hill

A unique learning programme that takes place over five days in Ottawa.  Participating students receive a behind the scenes view of Parliament Hill and Canadian politics.

Students will:

  • meet with speakers of both the Senate and House of Commons;
  • interact with political influencers and politicians; and,
  • take part in simulations based on Question Period, elections and international trade.

The programme is open to high school students between the ages of 14 and 19 who have an interest in our political process.

  • There is a cost to participate in the Forum.
  • Travel to and from Ottawa for all participants is covered.
  • There are three five-day sessions scheduled for this school year: Feb 14-19, Feb 21-26 and March 6-11.

If you are interested in this programme, please visit the Forum for Young Canadians website and/or e-mail

Forum has 40 years of experience in youth programming.  In the recent elections, nine programme alumni were elected to the House of Commons, including three Cabinet Ministers.