We’re still looking for volunteers for the following weeks: July 20th, July 27th, August 3rd and August 17th.
- Volunteers – staff, students, parents, friends – are still needed to mind our garden for one week each during the summer.
- This typically means watering once, subject to weather conditions.
- You need to be able to get to the school between 7am and 2:30pm… the task takes approx. 1.5 hours.
Environment Canada’s 3 month summer forecasts suggest that this summer will be “just right”… neither too hot, too cold, nor too wet or dry. If we get a good rain the week you’re on, it’s a free pass. If it’s a scorcher that week, a second day of minding is greatly appreciated.
Community service hours are available for students who participate in summer maintenance.
Send en e-mail to enid.wray@tdsb.on.ca indicating which week(s) you would be available to assist. We’re needing to get the schedule finalised…
Many thanks in advance.