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HELP NEEDED: Annual Craft Fair Coordinator for 2016/17

Each year as students graduate so do parent volunteers.  Next year, is no different. Ardys Bobechko, our current Craft Fair Co-Ordinator will move on at the end of the school year.  To that end we are seeking out a parent or team who would like to serve as the understudy(ies) for Craft Fair 2016 (September through November), positioning you well to take on the starring role(s) in 2017.

This is our flagship fundraiser at the school and it gets better every time.  With 19 years of experience under our belt and lots of community partners in place, there is a great foundation for the person stepping in to make this upcoming Craft Fair (our 20th Annual) event a whopping success.
Should you be interested in finding out more about this role or how you can get involved with other SESAT activities, please send us a note at
Thanking you in advance for stepping onto the SESAT stage.  AND a heartfelt thanks to you Ardys, for your stellar Craft Fair leadership.