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I know we send out a great number of announcements and this is due to the vibrant and exciting community we share.

There are two events in the coming weeks that deserve special attention for a long list of reasons.

Please join us this Friday and the following Thursday for ESA Visual Art’s two most powerful exhibitions in our history.

The first is our Contact Photography opening this upcoming Friday, May 16th. This will be our strongest entry into Contact, and one of our most accomplished exhibitions to date. The work of Mr Novak and the grade 12 Photography students places us firmly as one of the most relevant photography programs around. For proof, look to our current exhibition at the Albright Knox Museum in Buffalo, NY. Our students’ photographs are the first two installations in the exhibition, and are a testament to the sensitivity and insight at the very highest understanding of what is possible with the medium. This will be a beautiful and tense exhibition thick with implications and understandings.

ESA in Contact 2014 at KUMF Gallery

The second event is our 2013-2014 Department Exhibition. There may well be 1500 works installed at ESA for our opening on May 22nd from 3.30 to 8pm.

What is new this year is the increased sophistication in the curation of the work, the overall increase in confidence, scale, and individuality. There are series of illustrations, drawings, paintings, and sculptures, that are finished, intelligent, beautifully made, and rich with meaning.

There is more mature work on display than we have ever been able to share in the past, and this is a result of a new approach to how we work throughout the year and the dedication of our students. This will be a smash success, and I am asking each and every person to please attend and bring guests to share in our most successful year of art making to date.

Our grade 12’s this year have received more than two million dollars in scholarships, our results in international competitions are unmatched, and our participation in twenty five exhibitions this spring is a new standard in public education. We are functioning as a more effective, more symbiotic, and yet somehow more individuated community than ever before.

I am so very proud of our students and I extend a personal invitation to each of you to join us during the afternoon and evening of May 22nd.

We will be selling a large percentage of the exhibited work, and red dots will be handed out to those interested in purchasing work at 3.30pm at the sales table which will be near the south parking lot doors. The sales are split 50/50 between department and student and tax receipts will be issued if paying by cheque. Unique works made by grade 11’s will be reserved for interested buyers until Friday November 7th at 7pm, after the business end of Portfolio Day 2014.

ESAVA Department Exhibition at ESA

Please join us this Friday and the following Thursday for ESA Visual Art’s two most powerful exhibitions in our history.

I look forward to seeing you!

Matthew Varey