Hektor Projects is proud to partner with Sistering (Instagram: @sisteringdropin) for a special quarantine project.
With support from the Government of Canada, TakingITGlobal, and CanadaService Corps, recent ESACA graduate Isabella Vella (Instagram: @isabellagvella) will paint a mural to be installed on Sistering’s Bloor St West facade for the rest of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Sistering has had to move their services elsewhere to promote physical distancing, we know that adding stunning art work by Isabella to our city will bring some light to Bloorcourt Village.
Sistering is a multi-service agency for at-risk, socially isolated women in Toronto who are homeless or precariously housed. They have been serving this community for over thirty-five years, validating women’s experiences regardless of outcomes. Those served are marginalized women from diverse backgrounds and include: women with substance use and mental health issues; women who have experienced, or are experiencing, trauma and violence; immigrant and refugee women; women with disabilities; and women without legal status.
Hektor Projects (Instagram: @hektorprojects) is a non-profit established by Spencer Julien and Matthew Varey to build meaningful opportunities for graduates of the ESA Contemporary Art community.
work by Isabella Vella: