As of the end of the day today (Thursday June 22nd) we are down to 126 individual Library items remaining outstanding.
- All Library items were due back on June 9th!
Thank you to everyone who has been helping, nudging, and encouraging the return of Library materials… in some cases including bringing in outstanding materials on behalf of the student in their house.
Everyone for whom I have access to a valid phone number has been phoned at least once – in most cases more than once – and a message has been left (as long as you have an answering system of some sort and it is not full).
Parents and/or Guardians… If you see items lying about your house that are stamped “Property of ESA Resource Centre”… PLEASE do be sure that the student in your house returns them ASAP.
- During exams Library materials may be dropped in the ‘Library Book Return’ box in the Main Office.
Students can login to their Library account and check their status 24/7, 365 days a year.
- Follow this path: ESA Virtual Library > Catalogue > Login > My Account > My Borrowing > Loan
- Students are able to renew items on their own as well… and keep their accounts current.
Students receive an automated overdue notification once a week to their TDSB student e-mail address.
- Have them check their TDSB student e-mail for a ‘Reminder to Bring It Back” notification which will list ‘Enid Wray’ as the sender.
Thank you for any assistance you are able to provide in making sure that Library items are available for circulation again come September.
- Students with outstanding accounts – overdues and/or fines – will not be able to borrow Library materials in September until outstanding accounts are cleared.