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ESA’S Music Theatre program is the only kind of interdisciplinary program in the TDSB, which integrates Vocal, Theory, Drama, Dance and Technical Theatre to train and develop the student as a ‘triple threat’ performer. We offer Music Theatre majors a four-year training program that is grounded in an atmosphere of curiosity and creativity. Courses in acting, voice and various vocal styles (Broadway, Commercial, Pop/Rock, Jazz, Opera, Traditional Choral), theory, speech, movement, dance and theatre history are integral parts of the double-credit Musical theatre program. Distinguished Alumni and professional guests regularly visit the school to speak, advise and teach master classes to our students. Each year, professional guests help the students build the technical elements for our musical, including Costumes, Sets, Props, Sound, Lights and Stage Management. Students will gain academic and theoretical knowledge of the performing arts and receive concentrated training in these disciplines. We offer many performance opportunities through our classes and extra-curricular ensembles.

Course Descriptions
The courses in this section have been developed:
- to develop in artistically-inclined students the ability to understand and use their arts specialty as a living language;
- to prepare students for continued study in the arts at the post-secondary level; and
- to help students develop the necessary skills to become proficient performers and artists
Students in AMT will explore the different pillars of Music Theatre: Vocal, Drama and Dance. This course allows students to develop their skills in all three areas, while exploring group and solo performance. Students will experience a broad overview of the many possibilities in music theatre performance. No experience is required in any of the disciplines, and students will progress from their current skill and experience level. This course is an excellent introduction to the genre of Music Theatre, as well as the Music Theatre pathway at the Etobicoke School of the Arts.
Students in this course will explore vocal music through a variety of musical genres, including ensemble and solo singing. Students will explore the basics of music theory fundamentals, and will develop their vocal technique, creation, and music analysis skills. No experience is required, and students will progress from their current skill and experience level. This course is an excellent introduction to the Music Theatre pathway at the Etobicoke School of the Arts.
This course continues the exploration of the vocal, drama and dance aspects of music theatre. The course will build on the skills regarding vocal, dramatic and dance technique learned in AMT 1O1. Students will explore vocal performance and character development through exploring music theatre repertoire, will deepen their understanding of musicianship and keyboarding, and will continue to strengthen their dance technical skills. There is no pre-requisite for this course.
This course continues to build on the skills developed in AMT 1O1 and ADB 2O1. Students will continue to explore the pillars of music theatre with a final performance focus. The culminating activity will be threefold and will consist of the student’s participation/performance in the department’s Musical Showcase, as well as vocal and dramatic assessments. Recommended pre-requisite: ADB2O1
This Grade 11 Music Theatre course continues to explore the building blocks of Music Theatre performance, theory, and history. Students will participate in Vocal, Drama, Dance, and Music Theory classes, building and developing their skills while working on larger projects that combine all of these areas. Projects in this course include monologue and solo song performance as well as creation of new musical material. Pre-requisite: ADB2O1
This course synthesizes the skills in vocal, theory, drama and dance as they apply to music theatre for the student. The course will build on the skills learned in ADB 2OP and ADB 3MP and build on character development and vocal physiology. The culminating activity will consist of the student’s participation/performance in the department’s Mainstage Musical (including learning about the technical aspects of theatre -advertising/promotion, set, prop costume construction and stage management) and a final vocal and dance assessment. Pre-requisite: AMT1O1 or AMT2O1. Recommended pre-requisite: ADB3MP
This Grade 12 Music Theatre course deepens student development in the building blocks of Music Theatre performance, theory, and history. Students will experience Vocal, Drama, Dance, and Music Theory classes, building and developing their skills while working on larger projects that combine all of these areas. Projects in this course include outreach and teaching, dance creation, vocal jazz performance, a final recital performance and a graduation showcase.
This course synthesizes the skills in vocal, theory, drama and dance as they apply to music theatre for the student. The course will build on the skills learned in ADB 3M1 and ADB 4M1. The culminating activity will consist of the student’s participation/performance in the department’s Mainstage Musical (including learning about the technical aspects of theatre -advertising/promotion, set, prop costume construction and stage management) and a final vocal and dance assessment.
If you have any questions please contact Patricia Warnock, ACL of Music Theatre, at