October is Mental Health Awareness Month. The goal is to build awareness, and bring hope and healing to those most affected by difficult issues such as depression, anxiety, abuse and addiction. Unfortunately, these issues touch us all, particularly our vulnerable young people and we can’t risk having any of them silently spiral out of control.
At ESA, we have many wellness initiatives and great partners from the community. This year, we have a rare opportunity to kick the month off right with a benefit performance by actress, comedienne and suicide survivor, Shelley Marshall, telling her story in “Hold Mommy’s Cigarette”.
“I feel I not only have an opportunity, but an obligation, to convey a message that can help people heal,” says Marshall, “and to raise awareness for mental health through honesty turned into art.”
Please make time to join us, bring a friend, spread the word. You have no idea what a positive impact you could have.
Tickets are available now. All ticket sales will go directly back to ESA to fund health and wellness initiatives. Shelley will stay for a talk back session and counselors will also be available.