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Noah Brown at Project Gallery

Grade 12 Contemporary Art student Noah Brown will be celebrating his 18th birthday with the opening of his first solo exhibition on Thursday March 15.

Exhibition Dates: March 15th – April 21st
Opening Reception: March 15th 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Project Studios – 184 Munro St (rear)

Noah Brown’s work hones in on the reality of living as a biracial androgynous male amongst the lasting trauma of slavery. His artworks stem from trauma associated to an experience where he was attacked by boys with a shared racial identity. His obsession with this traumatic incident has influenced him to dissect the social and historical significance of their behaviour, down to details of postured representation.

Brown’s dry-felted tapestries explore the danger implied by self-expression within a heteronormative society, the shame attached to androgyny, internalized self-hatred within the black community, and a hope for the future where black youth can be emotionally-expressive.

In response to more recent external forms of racial discrimination, he has sculpted porcelain figures of a black boy in a hoodie, cast eleven times in a plaster mould. Exploring ideas of people of colour living in accordance to societal stereotypes, thus gaining a form of comfort in following a ‘racial role’.

“In my life, I constantly defy the stereotype of what it means to be a boy of colour. Despite the discomfort that comes with stepping outside of toxic societal expectations, I am able to express myself through different forms of visual art.” – Noah Brown

Noah’s four years in specialized schooling as a visual arts major at Etobicoke School of the Arts have taught him ways he can gain autonomy by teaching his communities the historical significance behind our current psychological state, creating a safe and educated environment for people of colour who wish to express themselves, and to change the perception of black youth by setting an example for what minorities are capable of accomplishing. ‘Intergenerational Trauma’ is the first solo exhibition of Noah Brown’s work and will take place at Project Studios from March 15th-April 21st 2018.