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Poetry in Voice 2016

Poetry In Voice is a recitation contest for high school students in Canada.

Students memorize and recite poems chosen from among the hundreds in our online anthology. By learning poems by heart, students develop lifelong relationships with poetry while improving their language, public speaking, and memorization skills.

The contest begins in the classroom. Top-scoring students, selected from across the country, win a trip with their teachers to the National Finals in the spring. More than $75,000 in travel and prizes are awarded each year.


ESA’s in-school championship round is fast approaching.  English teachers are organising classroom competitions.  Classroom winners will move forward to the school finals…  to be held in the Library after school on Tuesday February 16th.


  • your English (or French) class is NOT participating in Poetry in Voice, or
  • you don’t have English (or French) on your timetable…

Please… send an e-mail to ASAP.

You will be sent a package of information, as well as a link to sign up for an after-school workshop to help you prepare your recitations.