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Poetry in Voice: In School Finals

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The in school finals for Poetry in Voice will take place after school on Monday March 3rd in the Auditorium.  All members of the ESA community are invited to come and join us for this exciting finish to the work which has been taking place in English classrooms throughout the school.  A donation of a twoonie and/or a canned food item at the door would be greatly appreciated.

This year we have finalists in all three categories: English, French and Bilingual.

Poetry in Voice is a national poetry recitation contest for high school students across Canada.  Students memorise and then recite poems from among the hundreds in an online anthology.  Students who win the school competition vie for a spot at the National Finals, to be held in Vancouver this year.  More than $75 000 in prizes, trips and books are awarded each year.

Two years ago one of our ESA students, Sadie Hirschfield, went on to the National Finals.  We are hoping to repeat this success once again this year.

Additional details may be found at the Poetry in Voice website.