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Reminder: The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain Presentation- March 5th, 7 pm, Library.

We are inviting you to attend this interesting and informative presentation. This presentation is about the changing adolescent brain, the workings of memory, changes in mood, attention, stress and decision making during the teen years. A brain-based understanding helps develop approaches to interact with teens that maximize relationships and development of positive patterns that protect against mood disorders and contributes to future success. Parents, teachers and students are welcome to attend.
About the Presenter: Lori Nichols, RN, MS, has 25 years of experience in various inpatient and outpatient pediatric mental health settings in both Canada and the US. Lori teaches teachers, nurses, social workers and parents on mental health and resiliency. Her graduate work focused on anger in adolescents. Other areas of competence and interest include depression, anxiety, neurobiology, ADHD, psychopharmacology and resiliency. As a mental health and addiction nurse at Toronto Central Community Care Access Centre, she currently works with the School Boards to help address mental health needs of students.