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Request from a Grade 12 Student

On Thursday October 10 hundreds of schools across Ontario will be ‘walking in’ to protest Doug Ford’s cuts to education, which have, in the TDSB alone, resulted in 350 classes being cut this fall, 304 continuing but with increased class sizes, 58 turned into multigrade classes, 58 library sections cancelled, and 49 student-success support sections reduced. Here at ESA, we have 3 fewer teachers, 18 fewer sections, and almost 600 fewer positions. For more information about how the cuts have affected schools, see the attachments below.

My name is YaoYao MacLean and I’m a grade 12 student at ESA. I’m organizing a walk-in outside our school on October 10 at 7:45 AM. This walk-in will take place whether or not there is a strike by CUPE.

Here is information about the cuts and how they are affecting our schools, and here is information about the walk-in.  Please register at

Thanks and hope to see you there!
