To parents/guardians of students attending Etobicoke School of the Arts in the 2017-2018 School Year:
The Toronto District School Board has launched School Cash Online, an easy-to-use, safe and convenient way for parents and guardians to pay for the costs connected with schools. At ESA that includes the Student Information Package ($50 SIP–student agendas, yearbooks, activities), Arts Enhancement Program ($100–guests artists, workshops, supplies), class field trips, spirit wear, etc.
School Cash Online provides benefits for parents/guardians and for the ESA office staff. All school fees applicable to your child will be posted on School Cash Online. Once you register, you can choose to “purchase” the items or activities using a debit or credit card. You will be able to see when the school has a new item posted online for purchase and you also have the option to be notified whenever your child has a new school event requiring payment. You will receive confirmation of your purchase which will provide you with a clear record of payment. On the school office side, this will eliminate the need for counting and housing large sums of money, and will generate accurate payment records for the office.
Several TDSB schools successfully piloted School Cash Online in the 2016-2017 school year. ESA is signing on this year. School Cash Online will be available to ESA starting on July 17, 2017.
In order to use School Cash Online, parents/guardians will first register. Registration will be opening the week of July 17th. To register for School Cash Online, please copy and paste into your browser, select “Get Started Today” and complete the three registration steps. For more information on the registration process, please see the handout attached to this email. Once registered you will receive an email notification when items become available online.
School Cash online registration Step-By-Step Parent Handout
Registration Tips…
- Copy and paste https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.cominto your browser to access the ‘School Cash Online’ site.
- When you are entering your child’s date of birth, please use two digits for the day and two digits for the month.
- You will find it easier to complete the registration from a desktop or laptop computer than a smartphone. When using a mobile phone to register there is often a space at the beginning of the box. Backspace to ensure you are at the beginning of the box.
- Registering siblings: register the first child, wait a few hours and then register again.
- You are not required to use a Student Number when registering.
- Use the legal name on your child’s school records to register, not the ‘preferred’ name.
If you have questions about the registration process or using School Cash Online, please select the “Get Help” option on the top of registration page. You can also contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk by phone at 1-866-961-1803 or by email at The Parent Help Desk is available to assist parents/guardians with the registration process, password recovery, accessing your account and payment issues. In addition, you can always reach me for help via email.
Ms. Wasilewska is the Office Administrator at Etobicoke School of the Arts. She has received training in School Cash Online and is looking forward to implementing SCO this fall. She and I have set for ourselves the goal of having 100% of our families signed up before school starts on September 4. We have been told that no TDSB high school has met the target of 100% registration, so we are challenging ourselves to make ESA the first TDSB high school to hit that goal.
If you have any questions about the process or the plan, please let me know.
Peggy Aitchison Principal, Etobicoke School of the Arts
675 Royal York Road Toronto, ON M8T 2T1
Where the Arts + Academics = Excellence 416 394-6910 x 20010
I would like to acknowledge that Etobicoke School of the Arts is situated upon traditional territories. The territories include the Wendat, the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations, and the Métis Nation.
The treaty that was signed for this particular parcel of land is collectively referred to as the Toronto Purchase and applies to lands east of Brown’s Line to Woodbine Avenue and north towards Newmarket. I also recognize the enduring presence of Aboriginal peoples on this land.