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School Council Meeting – May 13th; 7:30-9:00 pm; meet and greet 7:00-7:30 pm, Library

Current and incoming parents are invited to join us for the last council meeting of the school year. Overall we had a busy and successful year. Some of the areas of interest we’ve addressed this year related to student needs and successes, school environmental issues, creating parent engagement opportunities, and discussing pros and cons of ESA becoming a semestered school. We are hoping that you will take time to give us feedback and let us know what your see as the school council’s next year. Your feedback and opinions matter to us. You can do this also by sending us an email at:

We look forward to an engaging evening of updates and discussion. This is a wonderful forum to voice what matters to you as parents and to learn more about what’s going on at the school. Arrive at 7:00 pm for an opportunity to informally meet and greet before we begin our meeting at 7:30 pm.

Sandra and Tanja

School Council Co-Chairs

May Agenda