Hello Parents and Guardians
Each year in May, SESAT hosts our annual meeting and election. As set out in our Constitution and ByLaws, the full membership including all parents and guardians of ESA students are invited to attend. The meeting will take place Monday May 7th from 7 – 9pm in the ESA Library.
Agenda for Meeting May 7, 2018
- Overview of Events and Fundraisers of 2017/18
- Arts Departments’ use of SESAT funds
- Financials
- Third Annual Garage Sale details and planning
- Presentation and Election of 2018/19 Board Members
- Current Board Members
- President: Lisa Egri
- Vice President: Bev Marinucci (stepping down)
- Treasurer: Ann Wilkinson
- Secretary: Rochelle Douris
- 2018/19 Nominations:
- President: Lisa Egri
- Vice President: open
- Treasurer: Ann Wilkinson
- Secretary: Rochelle Douris
- Current Board Members
Attached for your reference is a copy of the Constitution and ByLaws: SESAT Constitution and By-Laws May 5 2014 – COPY OF SIGNED ORIGINAL. For Election details, see ARTICLE VII – DIRECTORS.
Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out by email at sesat@esainfo.ca
Thank you,
Lisa Egri