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SESAT Update

Well, there are not many meetings you come out of where the mood is so upbeat and news is all good!

The fabulous Craft Fair/Silent Auction (which you all need to come to next year!) raised over $14,000! Each major received a cheque for $1,500 so far to spend on things they really need!  There are still amazing mugs to be had (you just feel the love drinking tea out of them), Spiritwear is arriving next week and more refreshment sales at each upcoming event. Know your dollars are going to help your kids create fabulous things.

Coming up: Auditions this Friday! If you’d love to be a part of the wide-eyed excitement of the auditioning students, you can volunteer!  Then, Wednesday, February 25thWinter Fuel Up Pancake Breakfast – our kids get a delicious warm breakfast on their late start day and we raise even more funds! And some BIG projects coming up, so exciting in fact, you should come to the next meeting to find out more! SESAT puts the FUN in fundraising!

Next meeting: Friday, February 2

For more details on anything SESAT is up to, please  contact: