A new face at ESA- Principal Aitchison (pronounced H-S-N)
by Ann Agar
Did you know?
1. She’s recognized as one of Canada’s Outstanding principals by CLP;
2. Her first impression was that students and parents are happy at ESA; students are friendly and welcoming;
3. She considers ESA to be one of the (if not the) elite/premier schools in the TDSB;
4. Her first priority is to listen and learn and then determine what she can bring of significance to take the school to the next level;
5. She cites Communication as the key to success;
6. She has travelled with her students around the globe to help them pursue their goals;
7. She comes from a family of teachers, is an art lover who regularly travels to attend events, visit galleries, conservatories and she loves to take pictures;
8. She has particular expertise in math, guidance, special ed and giftedness
9. She firmly believes that Teachers and the Principal are responsible for student learning and success; and
10. She believes her greatest accomplishment is the success of her students and teachers and her commitment to bring forth new ideas, inspire, coach, provide direction, listen and have a plan;
Ms. Aitchison enjoys hearing from parents and students alike, so don’t hesitate to drop by to see her, give her a call or send her a note!
Joint Council Meeting drove new ideas for fundraising
There’s no shortage of creativity among our parents. A swift 30 minute focus group generated over 30 ideas for fundraising and social events to bring our community together. This list, broken down into Short, Medium and Long Term goals will be spearheaded by SESAT and School Council Members and focuses on everything from new fundraisers, community events, social outings and general interest courses to annual shows, alumni outreach and a focus on our social media footprint. If you couldn’t join us yet have more ideas to share or want to get involved in some way – big or small, contact us at sesat@esainfo.ca. A special thanks to Gr. 9 Dad, Randall V. for planning this Focus Group and to Gr. 12 Mom, Ardys B. for facilitating.
Ready for another Presidential Election? SESAT is!
In May, SESAT elects our new Board. So far, we have some folks interested in throwing their hats into the ring for President, Vice President, and Secretary. We are seeking more nominees and in particular, someone with a knack for numbers to be our Treasurer. If sitting on the board is not your thing, no problem – we have many opportunities that do not require as large a commitment of time or effort.
Parent Social Night at Crooked Cue – Monday March 6th.

Our last Parent Social held Jan 30th at Kelsey’s was such a blast that we have decided to have another night out.
Mark your calendars for Monday March 6th- The Crooked Cue – 3056 Bloor Street West. 6:30pm, Dinner and Billards Tournament. More details to follow via ESAINFO.ca
Upcoming Calendar of Events – Volunteers Welcome
- February 16th – 5:30-8:30pm – African Heritage Showcase
- February 23rd -2pm & 6pm – Parent Teacher Interviews
- February 27th -7:00pm- Grade 9 Drama
- February 28th – 8:ooam Pancake Breakfast
- March 1st & 2nd -7:00pm – Grade 10 Drama
- March 3rd – 7pm – Show Choir Festival
AND starting next week – we are introducing our NEW Rehearsal Night Tuck Cart – every Tuesday and Thursday. SESAT will sell nutritious snacks starting at 3pm. CASH ONLY PLEASE
NB: There is no SESAT Council Meeting in March. We meet again Monday April 3rd at 7pm in the Library
February Volunteer Shout Out
A big thanks goes out to Randall V and Dougall S for representing the Dads of ESA. Whether it has been selling concessions, running the Tuck Cart, planning events and focus groups or just attending our meetings, you have both done it so willingly! Way to go Dads!
Show me the Money – How is SESAT doing so far?
We are pleased to announce that we have been able to hit an all time high in disbursals to the 6 Arts Majors – $4500.00 each. This is wonderful yet we are still trending to fall short of our 2017 year end $40,000.00 goal. Anything you can do to help would be appreciated – we will happily accept general or ear marked donations for Arts Majors.
Tips to help you take a break from Social Media
by Trish Drynan
More and more we are seeing, hearing or reading about the number of people addicted to their social media sites and technology. They are struggling to unplug, and even when they do they are thinking about what they might be missing out on. Many are suffering from the “Fear of Missing Out”,(FOMO).
Here are the Top Mindful Breathers to help you manage Social Media.
- Resist making the first thing you see in the morning, and the last thing you see at night be your phone or social media site;
- Log in and log off your social media sites. You might not check as much, as it takes more time to log in;
- Avoid bringing the phone to the dining table,whether you are with friends or family, at home or in a restaurant;
- When at the office, place your phone somewhere away from where you can see it;
- Every day try and consciously connect with someone face to face;
- Avoid looking at your phone, texting, emailing, and checking social media while driving. It is extremely dangerous and it is illegal;
- Experiment with tech/social media-free moments throughout your day, and possibly a day per week turn off from social media;
- When you are using social media, use it in a way that is respectful of others. “THINK” before you post: T is it true, H is it helpful, I is it inspiring or interesting, N is it necessary, and K is it kind?;
- Find an app on your phone that promotes mindfulness; and
- Most importantly: make sure you are setting a great example of breaking free from the incessant use of technology and social media.
Join us March 8, 9am to March 9, 9am for the “Turn of your Sites 24 hour Challenge”
Need to reach SESAT?
Feel free to contact us via email at sesat@esainfo.ca or phone at 416 708 3091
and Finally, from SESAT to all of you