Dear Parent(s)/Guardians,
I am pleased to announce that this year, the grade 10-12 French students will participate in a “Café Francophone” for their end of year final project (culminating project). This project asks that students research, prepare and present a cultural aspect of francophone countries, ranging from France, Morocco or Tahiti, to mention a few. I would like to cordially invite you to come and see what the students have prepared for their culminating project. You are invited to come to the Café Francophone which will be held April 26th, 2013 in the cafeteria. Grade 11s and 12s will present in the morning from 9:15am-11:15. The grade 10s will present in the afternoon from 1:15-2:55.
Hope to see you there!
Mrs Shafiq and Mrs Waffle