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Toronto Public Library: Card Blitz

All ESA students are eligible for, and strongly encouraged to have, a Toronto Public Library (TPL) card.  The TPL has a wealth of resources above and beyond those which the TDSB and/or we here at the school can provide.  Teachers will be directing students to these resources in a variety of classes.

The ESA Library will be starting a Toronto Public Library Card Blitz on Monday, September 14th, when the Grade 9’s begin their Orientation Sessions.  All Grade 9 students will receive a TPL Library Card application form (as necessary) during their Orientation Sessions.

Any student in Grades 10 – 12 who does not have a current and valid TPL Library Card should see Ms. Wray in the Library at lunchtime (or before or after school) to fill out an application form. Alternatively, download the application form, fill out the top half only, and return it to Ms. Wray in the Library ASAP.

Applications for TPL cards must be returned to the Library by no later than Thursday September 24th.