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Toronto Star: 2016 Short Story Contest

Screen Shot 2016-02-06 at 3.33.45 PMCo-sponsored by the Toronto Public Library and open to any Ontario resident 16 years of age or older, this is the largest and such competition in North America, and one of the most lucrative.

Submit your story – no more than 2500 words – by February 29th and be in the mix for prizes up to $5 000, and tuition to the 30 week correspondence programme at the acclaimed Humber School for Writers.

Stories must be written in English, original and unpublished up to the time the winners are declared on or about Thursday, April 21, 2016.

This means that stories submitted to the competition – even if the winners! – are eligible for inclusion on ESsays, ESA’s own creative writing blog, as well as publication in Letters Vol2, which will be published later this spring.

  • Learn more about ESsays Creative Writing Blog here.
  • Submit your poetry and/or prose – max 3 000 words – via e-mail to