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Visual Art Update April 5 2016

We are having a whirlwind couple of weeks at esava.

Last Thursday esava grad Adrian Cohen-Gallant opened his MFA exhibition at Birch Contemporary which continues until April 9.

Spencer Julien and Maggie Keogh had an opening Friday at Artscape Youngspace in Look UP.

esa grad Michele Ayoub opened her first Toronto solo exhibition since returning from Japan at Little Sister Gallery.

esava grad Laura Hudspith opened her latest solo exhibition at Project Gallery.

Next week we have fourteen students exhibiting work in Buffalo at the Albright-Knox from April 15 to May 15, with an opening Thursday, April 14, 2016, 5–8 pm. We will also have three students exhibit work at the Buffalo Center for Arts and Technology from Friday, April 22, through Friday, May 13, 2016, with an opening on Thursday, April 21, 2016, 5–6:30 pm.

Also next week, Celeste Cares has an opening at the Galdstone Hotel in Urban Wild from 7-10pm.

Spencer Julien, Sydney Ackerman, Annabel Berthoff and Rachel Burns are each participating in TDSB Dare to Create which shows April 21.

Flora Aldridge follows up her very successful first solo show with Project Gallery, which wrapped up just a couple of weeks ago, with participating in ‘Coming to Life’, April 15 – May 15, 2016, Reception: Friday April 15th 6-10pm at 296 King St East, Toronto.

Calla McInnes and Celeste Cares are included in an exhibition in New York which opens April 16 (info to come) to launch a new Zine which will also include the work of Igrid Repic and Grier Drummond.

Agnes Wong, who graduated last year and is now at the Design Academy Eindhoven, had a photographic work in the SNAP Auction last week.

Agnes also has the enormous honor to be featured within the pages and on the cover of the Hart House Review’s 25th Anniversary Issue which launches April 15 at 8pm.

We look forward to seeing esava grad Cal Shaub open his next solo show at Black Cat on April 27th.

esava grad Carly Shiff opens her first New York exhibition Matriculate on April 29 at Immersive Gallery.

Our annual Contact Photography Festival exhibition of Grade 12 Photographs opens May 5th at Artscape Youngspace.

Two of our grade 10’s – Olivia Kerr and Jaime Pattison – have been accepted to participate in Waterloo Unlimited this May.

Grier Drummond has her first solo exhibition opening Thursday May 26 at Hashtag Gallery, following our End Of Year Sale and Exhibition.

Our SALE runs Thursday May 26th from 3.30 to 8pm. 1500 art works on the walls – all are welcome! Please help us raise funds to maintain and grow our amazing program!!

There are two summer camps being offered this year:

Many more exhibitions to come!