The Orange Grove by Larry Tremblay
- A powerful little novella which attempts to help us understand on-going cycles of violence.
- A meditation on a family caught up in the violence of retribution.
- A family forced to choose which of their twin sons to ‘offer’ up to the glory of God, perpetuating violence as the means of resolving political differences.
- Years later, we witness the surviving son, struggling to come to terms with the fact of being the one left behind.
- Tremblay leaves us with much food for thought.
Read the review at The Literary Review.
- Check out Forest Fridays, virtual visits with featured authors. We will be hosting a couple of them here at ESA.
- Students who would like to join us at the Festival of Trees, at Harbourfront, on Tuesday May 16th should see Ms. Wray in the Library.
- Permission forms will be available closer to the date.