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Win Free Books for Your Class… It’s not too late to enter.

Win Free Books For Your Class!

  • CBC Toronto is giving away Canada Reads books!
  • AND… the rules have been relaxed!!  Initially the contest was only open to high school students.  NOW anyone associated with a school located in the GTA may enter…
  • All you need to do is put yourself in the shoes of a Canada Reads panellist for a chance to win copies of the 2018 books for you and your classmates.

How To Enter

Send a one-minute pitch about a Canadian book you think everyone should read to Metro Morning or Here & Now for a chance to win.

  • Maybe you loved one of the Canada Reads contenders, or perhaps there’s another title you prefer.
  • Tell us why in 60 seconds or less and your whole class could enjoy some brand new reads, thanks to you.

What: A chance to win copies of the Canada Reads books for you and your classmates

How: By submitting your own one-minute defence for a book of your choosing — Canada Reads style!

  • You can email a recording (audio or video) of your defence to or
  • You can also leave a recording of your defence on the Metro Morning VoxBox by calling 416-205-5807.
  • All submissions will be randomly entered for a chance to win a classroom set of Canada Reads books.

(MIND:  The VoxBox was FULL at 7am on Friday morning, June 1st… recommend sending in an audtio or video file of your pitch)